KOALA’S ( 2 - 3 Years )
Koala’s Program
- English
- Mathematics
- Science & Technology
- Humane Society & its Environment
- Creative Arts
- Personal Development, Health & Physical Education
- Letters
- Numbers
- Colours
- Shapes
- Seasons/weather
- Habitat
- Animals
- Farm Life
- Sustainable living
- Healthy Eating/Cooking
- Community Workers
- Emergency Situations
- Emergency Vehicles
- Transport
- Around the world
- Families
- Feelings
- My body
- Indigenous Australia
- Fairytales
In this area of our program, we aim to promote early social interactions and conversations, develop facial expressions to communicate and support self-identity. Social and emotional development is the key to successful learning and happiness, therefore, it is an area of development that we want to encourage on a daily basis. The current early years learning framework for Australia believes (as we do) that there are 3 words to describe the fundamental characteristics that support and encourage a child’s development and sense of identity. They are belonging, being and becoming. Experiencing belonging – knowing where and with whom you belong – is integral to human existence. Being – childhood is a time to be, to seek and make meaning of the world. Becoming – children’s identities, knowledge, understandings, capabilities, skills, and relationships change during childhood. They are shaped by many different events and circumstances.
The program focuses on your child’s learning. Our Team will work with you to get to know your child well. They will create a learning program that builds on your child’s interests and abilities and keeps you in touch with your child’s progress. As outlined by the Framework, our teachers will assist to ensure that:
- Children have a strong sense of their identity
- Children are connected with and contribute to their world
- Children have a strong sense of wellbeing
- Children are confident and involved learners
- Children are effective communicators
Some key areas covered in our Preschool Program include
- Learning numbers 1-20
- Learning all letters of the alphabet
- Recognition of upper and lower case letters
- Identification and recognition of primary and secondary colour
- Identification and recognition of different shapes
- Writing own name
- Reading own name in a variety of typed and handwritten fonts
- Learning days of the week, months of the year and seasons
- Hygiene, health, and safety, including dental hygiene, road safety, ‘stranger danger’ and sun protection using the proper pencil grip
- Using scissors and glue
- Following rules
- Using words such as ‘please’, ‘thank you’, and ‘excuse me’
- Participates in small and large group activities
- Socialises and interacts positively with peers
- Interacting positively and politely with adults
- Puts shoes and socks on without help
- Pack and unpack school bag
- Following through on instructions without constant supervision
- Use the toilet independently
- Sharing and turn taking skills